Anticipating Colorado
Later this summer, Amanda and I will be headed to Colorado for a week. I am itching to go. We have a couple of months left before we go but I'm already packing my camera gear. I'm trying to narrow down what I want to take and what I need to take. I want to take it all but that's just not going to happen. I'm also planning on renting and buying additional gear to take with me. It is difficult to narrow down which gear to take. I've been playing with film again and of course I want to take some of that.The last trip to Colorado was about 3 years ago for our honeymoon. I only took a Canon G9 point and shoot camera with me. I have several great photos from the trip too. One in particular was printed as a 30x45 and placed above my couch for a while. That print now resides at my dad's house. I was looking through those photos today and came across a series of photos I took atop Tin Cup Pass. The elevation at this point is just above 12,000 feet above sea level. I stitched these photos together to make a 360 horizontal view. Use your mouse to pan the scene left and right.