You'll Know When It's Time

My photography schedule for the rest of the year is fairly relaxed, which is the first time in years.  I took this as a sign from God that He was helping me clear my schedule for the road ahead.  Over the past year, Amanda and I have been praying for the day we would be able to move to Ruston.  We both attended LA Tech University and fell  in love with the town and the people.  We knew we couldn't up and move without a plan, so we thought about what we could bring to Ruston.  As former students in the Art and Architecture departments, we knew Ruston needed an art supply store for the students and local artists.  At this time last year, we didn't know how it would all come together, but we knew we had a goal.  Well, after a year of praying and saving pennies, we are now only a few weeks from that goal.  The retail space is nearing its remodel completion, and there's a space next door for a potential studio.  This past weekend we made a trip to Ruston and signed a lease on a house.  The details on the house were definitely a blessing from above, but I won't go into detail on that.  The store, which is called Fine Line Art Supply & Print Lab, will be open by September if all goes to plan.We have set our last day in Baton Rouge to be on Saturday, July 17th.  That is moving day!I do have clients and weddings in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area and plan on maintaining a relationship with them.  I will also continue to take on new clients in the area.  My photography will remain at the top of my priority list under God and Amanda.  It is my passion and a form of meditation.We are thankful to all of you that made Baton Rouge our home.


Pack 'Em Up and Move 'Em Out


An Impromptu Engagement Session