Hello? Is This Thing On?
I've been neglecting my blog lately so I decided to post a little something. First up is an awesome invitation Amanda and I received. I like when clients and friends send me wedding invitations. I'm more than likely already going to be there, but it's still nice to receive an invitation. This one came from Amanda's college buddy Erin. Her invitation is printed on wood! I didn't know they could do that. I know you can print on all kinds of stuff, but this is my first invitation that is wood. How cool is that?!I've also been spending a great deal (read: too much) time behind the scenes working on a new website and pricing guide. Hopefully I'll have both of those up and going before 2010. haha Actually I'm hoping more like mid-July. So for any of you interested in booking a wedding next year, you might want to hurry before the new pricing goes live (hint hint).